ITT 2.0 - We got a new look!

Hey ITT fam! 🤩

The past three years of Inside the Techosystem have been quite eventful, to say the least.

The materializing of a dream from recurring conversations to taking a chance on something that has bloomed into this growing podcast that we love and are very excited about has been very fulfilling. We are extremely proud of it, and your constant support and engagement make it an even more exciting journey to be on.

When we started the podcast in July 2020, it was our goal to make it as fun and insightful as possible, trying our best to make a technical podcast that wasn’t monotonous and rigid but exciting and relatable. A breath of fresh air if you might. Our cover and logo are the most visible and foremost parts of our brand identity, and as we evolve and grow we would like to take you, our listeners along with us. We are excited to announce our new cover and logo as a part of our rebranding initiative. We knew we needed a fresh splash of paint, and over the past few months, we have worked tirelessly, had meeting after meeting in order to properly accomplish what we set out to do, and give our brand a new face.

With that said, we’re proud to introduce the new Inside the Techosystem to you! To learn more about the journey that went into this rebrand please listen to our latest release: ITT 2.0 available on all podcast platforms now!

introducing the new Inside the Techosystem

Asides getting a new look, our show will also be getting a new feel with the following announcements:

New Series: The Founder’s Experience ✨

From our pilot episode down to the most recent one, our goal has stayed the same; bringing you fun and insightful topics about tech and its ecosystem directly from the mouths of brilliant individuals in the techosystem. Giving you a proper look into the tech sphere from Web3 to Cybersecurity, to maintaining a proper work/life balance, and we feel ready to cast our net even further. With that in mind, we are delighted to introduce a new episode series called "The Founder’s Experience", where we'll be interviewing founders and game changers in the ecosystem, the first class of entrepreneurs. It is our mission to help bridge the gap in our tech communities between users and founders, to get a glimpse into their minds, and how they took their companies from the start to their position now.

The first episode in this new series was with Odun Osineye, CEO and Co-founder of Hiyalo and if you haven’t already listened to that episode, you can check it out here.

Changes to our Release Format 📃

Despite the challenges we have faced with running the podcast, distance and recording hurdles, we have made it a point of duty to release episodes as often as possible, being as consistent as we can.

Our entire team is excited to announce a different release format, with one full episode featuring a guest speaker, and one sprint episode monthly.

More Content! 🥳

In our bid to foster more active communication and interaction with our audience. We will also be releasing more content on our social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Please follow these pages to stay updated on all the amazing stuff we have planned! 😉

We’re also working on introducing video content for our episodes to provide a newer and more progressive look. More details on that soon, in the meantime, you can subscribe to our Youtube channel.

Ask us Anything 🫣

We have decided to take it upon ourselves to answer all the questions you may have about tech and the techosystem! We created a form during our rebrand process in order to receive questions from you and get you the answers that you need. So please, ask us anything and we promise to reply to them the best way we know how to.

If you’d like to send us voice messages instead, you can do that using Anchor or any of our social media platforms.

Don’t hesitate to send us your questions, requests, feedback, suggestions, etc. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Thank you for everything!

The launch of our rebrand is what we hope to be the first of many series of advancements and what will be an exciting rest of the year. This journey has been a long and bending road, but it has all been incredibly worth it. We want to say a big thank you again to our community of listeners. Thank you for always tuning in to every episode, sharing, reposting, and giving us feedback on how to make the show even better for you. All of our successes would be impossible without your constant support, and we would like to express our immense gratitude to you all.

From all of us at ITT HQ, thank you for being the greatest audience in the world! 💚